An estimated 12% of the active population of Guadeloupe works in agriculture and 1/3 of the island’s surface is covered by these farms. Agriculture produces 6% of the gross proceeds of the region and is dominated by the production of sugar cane and bananas. With its crops located mainly in Sainte-Rose, GJG is a proud promoter of clean agriculture, using sustainable energy to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and preserve the ecological heritage of the exploitations. Once again, GJG leads by example when it comes to sustainable agriculture and environmental protection.
Helping conventional agriculture towards a more sustainable and responsible agro-ecological transition is the challenge taken up by DAAF (Direction de l’Alimentation de l’Agriculture et de la Forêt) of the Guadeloupe region. Faced with climate change and the island’s economic and social challenges, a holistic approach incorporating good practices that respect water and air and offer every guarantee of eco-responsible practices constitutes the new Environmental Charter for the region. GJG adheres to these standards since day one, with all of its crops using only organic fertilizers without any pesticides, and controls its entire production chain in compliance with good, sustainable agricultural practices.
Numerous initiatives launched by the Regional Authority and the Chamber of Agriculture seek to support farmers in their efforts to achieve sustainable agriculture. Since the island’s resources, as well as the land on which they are cultivated, are finite, it is everyone’s responsibility to practice sustainable agriculture. GJG has uncompromisingly opted for sustainable development. Throughout its entire production chain – from planting, fertilization, irrigation and weeding – GJG’s operators are constantly optimizing their production processes with one objective in mind: not to harm the environment. The same goes for harvesting and waste management, GJG makes every effort to promote best practices in sustainable development. These good practices also aim to minimise its CO2 production.
The commitment to adopt environmentally responsible practices is part of GJG’s very DNA. By the daily collection of household and green waste, the road maintenance by pruning trees and cleaning roads, the recycling of waste, the beach maintenance, the development of the park road using solar energy, the management of wind farms, but also through its HQE certification, GJG shows that all its activities are focused around a green approach.
Simply listing GJG’s various activities confirms its strong will to preserve Guadeloupe and leave future generations with a cleaner, safer island, ready to tackle the challenges ahead.
GJG works towards a better future by putting everything in place on a daily basis, so that each day can be better and more beautiful than the day before.